1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 Nuclear-Weapon-Free Status – Nuclear-Weapon-Free geographical regions Land territory covered by Nuclear-Weapon-Free Treaties Sea territory covered by Nuclear-Weapon-Free Treaties – Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones 1 5 6 7 9 As of 2010, the above nine nuclear-weapon-free zones are in effect. Some of the treaties related to these zones are at different stages with regard to the signature, ratification and entry into force, as well as with regard to the signature and ratification of their associated protocols containing security assurances from the nuclear-weapon States. The delineation of the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones presented on this map is indicative only. Adapted from an original map developed by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. The treaties establishing the nuclear-weapon-free zones, inter alia, ban nuclear weapons within the respective territories of the zones, including the acquisition, possession, placement, testing and use of such weapons. 世界の非核兵器地帯 トラテロルコ条約 1967年 ラテン・アメリカおよび カリブ地域における核兵器禁止条約 ラロトンガ条約 1985年 南太平洋非核地帯条約 バンコク条約 1995年 東南アジア 非核兵器地帯条約 ペリンダバ条約 1996年 アフリカ 非核兵器地帯条約 中央アジア 非核兵器地帯条約 2006年 モンゴル国非核地帯地位 1992年 南極条約 1959年 海洋だな条約 1971年 宇宙空間条約 1967年